Saturday, April 4, 2009

Special Thanks

Now that the trip is pretty much over, I would like to take this time to thank the many people who made this project a success.

Aerotech for donation of the DC motor.
Idaho Air National Guard for the flight physicals.
Boise State University's Office of Sponsored Programs: Mark Rudin for the start-up funds and Lisa Williams for facilitating funding.
Idaho Space Grant Consortium for the travel funds.

The ground crew:
Matt McCrink for all his hard work on the mechanical arm and box as well as the support at Ellington Field. We couldn't have built this in time without him.
Bob Davidson for his mad driving skills and making sure we were on time to Ellington Field and JSC. Also for his comic relief when things got tense.
Jeff Perkins for engineering the foam that covered the sharp edges of the box and helped us pass the TRR.
Kyle Knori for being our alternate flyer and for his help with the emergency stop button. I'm glad he got to fly with the Nebraska team.
Travis Dean for helping with one of the most critical parts of the experiment, the SLA wheels.
Jake Foresberg for helping out in Boise with the logo design and the emergency stop button.
Jason Griswold, who couldn't make it due to last minute circumstance. He was missed.

The Reduced Gravity Office at Ellington Field:
Sara Malloy for her support during the past two and a half months as we were learning the ins and outs of the Microgravity Program.
Doug Goforth for managing the program with intensity and humor and reminding us to make a memory.
Dominic Del Rosso for being an inspiration on the ground and in the air and for sharing so much of his time with a bunch of rookies.
Rose Aquilina for sizing us up perfectly and making sure we were always standing on the right side of the line.
Veronica Seyl and Alissa Keil for being endless sources of information, especially about educational and professional opportunities with NASA.
Terry Lee for asking challenging questions during the TRR and helping our flights run smoothly.

The staff of Johnson Space Center:
Pedro H. Curiel for being our mentor and sticking with us over the last few months. His guidance was a crucial piece of the puzzle, and he flew and handled the experiment like a pro.
Luis Ramirez for getting us inside JSC's nerve center and putting the gravity of mission support in perspective.
Danny Carraho for giving us a tour of the ARED and lunar habitation mockups, and for expressing what it means to be a part of pushing human frontiers.
Amit Kshatriya for letting us drive "Dexter" and get up close and personal with some of the most exciting R&D on the JSC compound.
Mason Markee for giving us a demo of the ultimate off-road vehicle.
Everyone involved in training us for flight and giving us an inside look at JSC -- one of the most amazing concentrations of human achievement in the world.

Ad Astra Rocket Company:
Ben Longmier for the mind-expanding presentation on plasma thrusters and Lucia for setting up the tour.

Boise State University:
College of Engineering: To Dean Cheryl Schrader and her entire office (Kim, Andy, Jean), Margaret Scott, Michele Armstrong, Leandra Aburusa, Pat Pyke and Don Plumlee. We couldn't have done it without your support.
Office of Communications and Marketing: Frank Zang, for the banner that went with us on the G-FORCE ONE. Mike Journee for being a nimble facilitator of all media outreach during the trip.

Homewood Suites Houston:
To the entire staff for feeding us (cookies!!!) and making us feel at home in an unfamiliar city.

And a very special thanks to Barbara Morgan who has been with us from the introduction of Microgravity at Boise State to actually flying with us on G-FORCE ONE. Barbara has been an inspiration to us all and every student who she talked to this week.

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